Plain Talent Connection Fulfillment Policy

1. Scope of Services

Plain Talent Connection ("PTC") provides an online platform that connects job seekers with potential employers. Our services include job posting, candidate search, and application management.

2. Fulfillment Process

a. Job Posting Approval: Employers can post job listings on PTC. All job postings are subject to review and approval by PTC to ensure compliance with our guidelines. Approval typically takes 1-2 business days.

b. Application Process: Job seekers can apply to job listings through the PTC platform. Applications are forwarded to the respective employers for review.

c. Notification: Both job seekers and employers will receive notifications about the status of their applications and job postings.

3. Timelines

a. Job Posting Review: 1-2 business days.

b. Candidate Application Processing: Real-time submission to employers.

4. Responsibilities

a. Plain Talent Connection:

- Ensure the platform is operational and accessible.

- Review and approve job postings.

- Facilitate communication between job seekers and employers as needed.

- Provide customer support.

b. Employers:

- Provide accurate and complete job descriptions.

- Review and respond to applications in a timely manner.

- Adhere to applicable employment laws and regulations.

c. Job Seekers:

- Provide accurate and complete information on applications.

- Respond to employer inquiries in a timely manner.

- Adhere to the terms and conditions of the PTC platform.

5. Fees and Payments

Fees for services, such as featured job postings or application management, are outlined on the website. Payment terms are as follows:

a. Payment Methods: Credit card, or other accepted methods.

b. Payment Timing: Fees are due at the time of service purchase.

c. Invoices: Available upon request.

6. Cancellations and Refunds

a. Cancellations: Employers can cancel job postings at any time. However, fees for services are non-refundable once the service has been rendered.

b. Refunds: Refunds for unused services may be issued at PTC's discretion. Requests for refunds should be directed to our customer support team.

7. Customer Support

PTC offers customer support via email or phone. Contact details can be found on the website.

8. Disclaimer and Indemnification of Disputes

PTC is a platform that merely facilitates the posting of job listings by employers and the application for those jobs by job seekers. PTC does not participate in the hiring process, nor does it make any representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the job listings provided by employers. Job seekers are advised to exercise due diligence and independently verify any information provided in the job listings.

By using this platform, you acknowledge and agree that PTC is not responsible for any disputes, claims, or legal actions that may arise between job seekers and employers. PTC shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages resulting from any interactions, communications, or transactions between job seekers and employers facilitated by our platform.

By using this platform, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless PTC, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to: Any dispute, claim, or legal action between you (whether as a job seeker or employer) and another party using our platform. Any breach of these terms or violation of applicable law by you or any party using your account on our platform. Any content or information you provide, post, or share on our platform.

PTC reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will cooperate fully with PTC in asserting any available defenses.

9. Arbitration

To the fullest extent legally possible, the following terms shall apply. Job seekers, employers, and PTC covenant and agree that they will not bring legal action against each other for any reason. Any legal disputes that are not resolved using less formal methods will be resolved through legally binding arbitration. Arbitrator costs will be shared equally between the parties to the dispute. Each party will bear their own costs of arbitration, apart from the costs related to the arbitrators. The parties desire to avoid legal contention, and they have all specifically acknowledged and agreed, by use of the services provided by PTC, to include this arbitration agreement as part of the fulfillment policy and terms of service of PTC. Arbitrators shall have full authority to render any decisions legally possible, and such decisions shall be legally binding. A dispute may be submitted for adjudication with a single arbitrator to either the American Arbitration Association or the Institute for Christian Conciliation. The rules of the arbitration company selected will govern the case. Arbitration shall be held in Pennsylvania unless the parties mutually agree on another location.

10. Changes to the Fulfillment Policy

PTC reserves the right to update or modify this fulfillment policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the PTC platform.

11. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this fulfillment policy, please contact us via the contact information listed on the website.